

2015-05-09 Scalers ScalersTalk成长持续论

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Week 04


Day20 外贸改革1 【经贸】


Our government has strengthened control over foreign trade, and strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations as chambers of commerce. We hope to continue to strengthen reform in our foreign trade system in order to gradually open foreign trade to competition and to get it under both legal and economic control, such as tariffs, foreign exchange rates and interest rates. All these should help speed up the internationalization of China’s foreign trade and create a better environment for bringing about our macroeconomics and trade. By promoting a closer cooperation among business and trade communities, manufacturing industries, agriculture, technology industries and banks, we will be able to produce more and better export commodities for the international market.

l 强化:strengthen, intensify, consolidate, enhance
l 加强控管 strengthen control over
l 对外贸易 foreign trade
l 商会 chambers of commerce
l 中介机构 intermediary organizations
l 服务与协调功能 service and coordinating functions
l 使外贸逐渐走向竞争 open foreign trade to competition
l 关税、汇率和利率 tariffs, foreign exchange rates and interest rates
l 加速中国外贸国际化:speed up the internationalization of China’s foreign trade
l 宏观经贸局面:macroeconomics and trade situation
l 为…提供更多更好的出口产品 provide more and better export commodities for…
l 促进更为密切的合作 promoting a closer cooperation
l 商贸业 business and trade communities
l 制造业 manufacturing industries

l 小词大用两个例子:
1、使之受到法律和经济手段的制约 get it under both legal and economic control
2、为我们宏观经贸局面的出现创造一个较好的环境 create a better environment for bringing about our macroeconomics and trade

l 商会 chambers of commerce
→Chamber 英国议会
英国商会 British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) 【Non-gov非政府】代表会员企业利益
英国商务部【政府】Office of Government Commerce (OGC)
中国商务部 Ministry of Commerce of the PRC (MOFCOM)
美国商务部 the United States Department of Commerce (DOC)

Day21 外贸改革2 【经贸】


Given our situation, we can’t help but be a large market. To develop our economy and improve the life of our people, we need to import advanced foreign technology and products. We began to attract greater world attention as a market when we opened our door to the outside world. Twenty years ago there were no more than 100 countries and regions that had trade relations with China. Now the number has reached 250, half of which have direct investment in Sino-foreign joint ventures.

l 处在我们这样的情况:Given our situation
l 大市场:large market
l 先进的:advanced , progressive
l 对外开放:opened our door to the outside world
l 建立了贸易关系 had (enter,establish) trade relations / open economic ties
l 直接投资 direct investment
l 中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint ventures.
l …的数量:The number(of..)has reached
l 少于:No more than…

l 自从我们对外开放那时起,作为一个市场我们便开始吸引世界的注意。
We began to attract greater world attention as a market when we opened our door to the outside world .

l 处在我们这样的情况,我们自然会成为一个大市场。
Given our situation , we can’t help but be a large market.
l 对外开放:opened our door to the outside world
对外开放政策,如果译成 “open door policy” 隐含着原本中国 “closed”一种含义。现常用 “opening up”, 体现时政词汇的变更,注意political sensitivity。

Day22 人口与环境 【环保】


Family planning and environmental protection are China’s basic state policies and vital to improving the quality of people’s lives. We should concentrate our efforts on the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population so as to control population growth. We should improve prenatal and postnatal care and foster physical fitness among the population.


We must tighten control over and protection of arable land, water, forests, grasslands, and mineral, sea and biological resources. We should institute a system of paid use of natural resources to ensure economical and rational uses. We should strictly deal with and control pollution and speed up pollution treatment in major regions and river valley. We should publish standards for monitoring environment quality in large cities.


A country with a large population, relative insufficiency of natural resources and an expanding economy, China suffers an increasingly significant disparity between economic development on the one hand and natural resources and the environment on the other. It poses problems if we continue to maintain a merely quantitative and crude mode of development in our economic growth. We, therefore, must correctly handle the relationships between economic development on the one hand, and population growth, natural resources consumption and the environmental protection on the other. We should exploit our natural resources more rationally and make use of them in an integrated manner. We should do our best to protect and improve our ecological environment, so as to ensure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of this generation, but benefit future generations.

l 计划生育 family planning
l 基本国策 basic state policies
l 流动人口 floating population
l 控制人口增长 control population growth
l 加强优生优育工作 improve prenatal and postnatal care
l 增强人口素质 foster physical fitness among the population
l 实行…有偿使用制度 institute a system of a paid use of …
l 污染治理 pollution treatment
l 节约与合理利用 economical and rational uses
l 环境质量监测指标 standards for monitoring environmental quality
l 矛盾 disparity, conflict…
l 粗放型经济增长方式 a merely quantitative and crude mode of development in our economic growth
l 正确处理… Correctly handle …
l 满足当代人的需要 meet the current needs of this generation
l 造福于子孙后代 benefit future generations.

l 我国人口众多,资源相对不足,经济规模越来越大,经济发展与资源和环境的矛盾日益突出,粗放型的经济增长方式难以为继。
A country with a large population, relative insufficiency of natural resources and an expanding economy, China suffers an increasingly significant disparity between economic development on the one hand and natural resources and the environment on the other. It poses problems if we continue to maintain a merely quantitative and crude mode of development in our economic growth.

l 我们必须加强对耕地、水、树林、草原、矿产、海洋、生物等资源的管理和保护 We must tighten control over and protection of arable land, water, forests, grasslands, and mineral, sea and biological resources.[control over和protection of两者并列,很容易丢到其中一个的介词]

l 合理开发和综合利用资源
exploit our natural resources more rationally and make use of them in an integrated manner
[太罗嗦,不简洁。改:reasonably exploit and integratedly utilize our natural resources.]
l 粗放型经济增长方式 a merely quantitative and crude mode of development in our economic growth
几个中国权威网站给出的答案:’extensive way’ of economic growth, extensive pattern / method / mode of economic growth
l 管理 (more than “control”) ——不同的管理,选词是不同。

  1. 农村和流动人口的计划生育管理和服务 the management of family planning and related services in

  2. 对耕地、水、树林、草原、矿产、海洋、生物等资源的管理和保护 tighten control over and protection of ..resources

  3. 严格控制和治理污染 / 加快重点地区和重点流域污染的治理 strictly deal with and control pollution and speed up pollution treatment

Day 23 外交部答记者问【军事】

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu’s Remarks on the incident of the cargo ship “New Star”.
Q:It is reported that the cargo ship “New Star” was fired upon by Russia before it sank in Russian waters. Has China lodged representations to Russia? What is the current situation?
A:On February 19, officials of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made urgent representations once again to the minister- counselor of the Russian Embassy in China on the incident of the cargo ship “New Star” (a Sierra Leone-flagged Chinese-owned vessel). China noted, it was reported that the ship sank after a Russian Coast Guard cruiser repeatedly fired at it and the incident had caused heavy casualties of Chinese crew members.
China is highly concerned about the reports and urged the Russian side to spare on efforts to help search the missing crew members and conduct serious, responsible and thorough investigations to find out the cause of the incident as soon as possible, and inform China of the results as soon as possible. The Chinese Embassy in Russia and Consulate General in Khabarovsk also made representations to Russia at the same time.
The Russian side said it took China’s concern seriously. Relevant Russian authorities started to investigate the conduct of law enforcement agencies involved in the incident and promised to inform China of the results in time.
l 外交部发言人 Foreign ministry spokesperson
l 答记者问 remarks on
l 遇险事件 incident
l 货轮 cargo ship/ vessel
l 遭到……的炮击 be fired upon by……
l 俄罗斯海域 Russian waters
l 向……提出【正式】交涉 make/lodge representations to
l [外交部领事司]负责人officials of [the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
l 公使衔参赞 minister-counselor(级别低于大使,高于一般参赞)
l 俄边防警卫队舰艇 a Russian Coast Guard cruiser
l 造成重大伤亡 cause heavy casualties
l 对……高度关注 be highly concerned about
l 进行彻底、详细调查 conduct serious, responsible and thorough investigations
l 中国驻俄罗斯使馆 the Chinese Embassy in Russia
l 哈巴罗夫斯克总领馆 Consulate General in Khabarovsk
l 俄方 the Russian side
l 高度重视中方关切 take China’s concern seriously
l 执法机构的执法行为 the conduct of law enforcement agencies
l 货轮系遭到俄方炮击后遇险:翻译成the cargo ship “New Star” was fired upon by Russia before it sank in Russian waters,其中“遇险”替换成了“sink”;并且把遭到炮击后遇险说成在沉没前遭到炮击,避免和后文再次提到遭到炮击后沉没重复。也强调了事情发生的原因和经过——因为俄方炮击。
l 要求俄方抓紧搜救失踪船员:该句有一种“命令、紧急”的语气,故“要求”用urge翻译
l “并尽快将结果通报中方”一句出现两次as soon as possible,感觉累赘,第一个可以删去。下文还有in time出现。

Day24 中国的军事战略 【外交】

China’s international policy and military strategy have always been those of positive defense. This is the basic strategic choice China has made according to its norms governing international relations and to its external security environment. It also reflects the continuation and distillation of China’s outstanding military tradition in the new era.
China’s military tradition is characteristically one of seeking peace. Under this peace-seeking policy, internally, we resolutely defend national unity and oppose to any attempt at national separation; externally, we follow a good-neighborly policy and a defensive strategy, seeking friendly and harmonious relations through what is known as the “non-offensive” approach and securing peace through self-defense. The Great Wall is symbolic of such a defensive concept. Ever since its founding, the People’s Republic of China has been consistently seeking prosperity through unification, seeking peace through prosperity, and seeking development through peace. With the passage of time, it will be even more apparent to the world that China is determined to defend its national security and is capable of doing so, and that China is an important force in safeguarding regional and global peace.
l 军事战略 military strategy
l 积极防御 positive defense;
l 延续和升华 continuation and distillation;
l 国际关系准则 norms governing international relations / norms of international relations
l 外部安全环境 external security environment;
l 坚决维护国家统一 resolutely defend national unity;
l 反对民族分裂 oppose to any attempt at nations separation(补充了“企图”,使语意更完整
l 睦邻友好 good-neighborly policy
l “非攻” non-offensive
l 象征 be symbolic of/ is the symbol of…
l 统一中求强盛 seeking prosperity through unification;
l 强盛中求和平 seeking prosperity through peace;
l 和平中求发展 seeking development through peace;
l 随着时间的推移 with the passage of time
l 维护世界与地区和平的重要力量 an important force of safeguarding regional and international peace
l 中国的国际政策和军事战略始终是积极防御。 China’s international policy and military strategy have always been those of positive defense.
l 优秀的中国军事传统在新时代的延续和升华。 It also reflects the continuation and distillation of China’s outstanding military tradition in the new era.
l 以“非攻”求和睦,以自卫保安宁。 seeking friendly and harmonious relations through what is known as the “non-offensive” approach and securing peace through self-defense
l 始终是… have always been of… 这个of,不是接句型been的,而是用在those of positive defense这个词组里面的
l 当对主题进行阐述时,可用状语从句的形式展开,如译文中的under this peace-seeking policy使逻辑关系更为清晰;
l 中国军事传统的基本特色是谋求和平。China’s military tradition is characteristically one of seeking peace.
在这个句子中,characteristically one这样的用法,比较特殊。(1)其characteristically不是修饰one的,而是配be动词使用,所以应该是副词。调整一下顺序就更好理解了Characteristically, China’s military tradition is one of seeking peace. 从特色上来讲中国的军事传统是一种寻求和平的传统。(2)one of,我们通常很容易理解成“之一”,但one在这里不是数词,而是代词。类似those of positive defense,one 是代词,指代的是tradition。把China’s military tradition is a tradition of seeking peace. 把one替换成 a tradition,可能更好理解。(3)其他类似用法:中国的国际政策和军事战略始终是积极防御。China’s international policy and military strategy have always been those of positive defense. (第22篇中)中国奉行积极防御的国防政策和军事战略方针。National defense policy and military strategy to be one of active defense.

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